--Pewter, striking and beautiful, is thought to have been first made in the Bronze Age, with bronze and pewter being related alloys:
---Pewter has been crafted into both useful and beautiful objects for at least the last 3 millennia; with references to be found in the Bible, ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire.
---During the Dark and Middle ages, pewter production was limited due to conflicts throughout mainland Europe which curtailed tin production, and pewter was used primarily for religious iconography, but also by rich merchants and royalty. It is said that in 1290 AD, Edward I had over 300 pewter dishes, salts and platters, but no silverware! Later, especially by the Renaissance period, with increases in the overall standard of living as well as cultural enlightenment across Europe during the 14th -17th Centuries, pewter became important within the social and economic evolution of society, with pewter gradually replacing wood and clay as the mainstay materials for home-wares, such as plates and cutlery; pewter being a more durable material.
-----United Furniture has over 500 pieces to choose from .Reproduction pieces some over
40+years old.
Some pieces Baring Mark´s / Touchmarks from European Pewtersmiths no longer creating /producing.
Design that span the golden age of Pewter from the 1450 hundreds to the 1800 hundreds can be found in our Collection.
Last Pieces.Great to design Rustic Furniture with.
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